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Water Neutrality Impacting the Market

In October 2021, Natural England served Notice on the Local Authorities in the 'Sussex North Water Supply Zone'. Amongst others this area includes Crawley Borough and Horsham District. 

The Notice cites groundwater extraction harming biodiversity, and it has had an immediate effect on local business, property and planning. All new planning applications in the Zone must now demonstrate water neutrality before they will be consented. There are also a series of more detailed requirements.

The potential impact on the markets and development is significant, Graves Jenkins are continuing to monitor the situation as it unfolds. Responses from Local Authorities setting out a framework of water neutrality off-set measures is expected soon.

We are proud to work alongside various developers and businesses within the Water Neutrality Zone. As well as development sales and management, we offer development valuation appraisal advice. For more information about the water neutrality requirements and their effect on values, please do get in contact with us.

Thomas Neal . Graves Jenkins Valuation . 07402 029513 

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