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So many aspects of life, society and business have been changed by the events of the past couple of years. Perhaps some of the changes were already coming, but we now find ourselves propelled into the future. This is true of commercial leases too.

Lockdowns, the 'internet boom', global supply chains, working patterns - these have altered the nature of commerce, and thus the market for commercial leases. In most sectors the 25 year institutional leases is ancient history. In the retail property market there are the first steps towards profit based rent, providing a more collaborative landlord-tenant dynamic which has been successful in the US. The trends in the office market point towards shorter, more flexible lease arrangements. Co-working, incubation and emporium type tenancies are increasingly common in a range of sectors including office, research, industrial and retail. 

Graves Jenkins are local experts in commercial property leasing. We advise a wide range of businesses and landlords on all things commercial lease, including lease restructuring, renewal, rent review, letting and 'sale & leasebacks'. This is a volatile time in many sectors. Get advice on how to get the best use and value from your commercial property. 

For further information or advice please contact Thomas Neal – – M: 07402 029513 or T: 01293 401040

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